Dear J,

Our connection is so direct; there are no bumps in our circuit as we dive into other circuits

Dear R,

We’re entering electrical waters and gray sunrays, I’m not sure I’ve tried this before

Suns, eyes, flowers. Hearts, straps, hinges and hands, holding on and letting go. The immensity of the physical forces at play; the rays of the sun, the electrical circuits, your hands outlining a body. To get gel nails and as they grow, call them proof of distance in time. 

Your heart mixed with the harsh laws of physics. 

The potential of a cut to be a connection, to try to understand a notion of gluing cuts. As our hearts, both cut open a while back, feeling naked, now enabling this.

Like a sun with sunglasses in every corner (hell?), a grown-up children’s drawing, pencil on paper, douglas fir, linseed oil paint, non-reflective glass, hardboard, 124 x 94 x 2,5 cm + theatre spots with daylight filter 
As above
As above
As above
As above
Installation view, HEART CUTS CONNECT
Your eternal rest in the back of my mind, pencil on paper, non-reflective glass, douglas fir, transportation strap, hardboard, 118 x 147 x 3,5 cm + theatre spots with daylight filter 
As above
As above
As above
As above
As above
As above
Installation view, HEART CUTS CONNECT
Infrastructure of soft kisses and punches // laver muld eller morr, watercolor and pencil on paper, 3D printed unfixed hinges in resin, fir wood, hardboard, 52 x 67 x 3 cm
As above
As above
Installation view, HEART CUTS CONNECT
Release 1, 3D printed unfixed hinges in bronze filament, douglas fir, linseed oil paint, variable dimensions
As above
As above
Release 2, 3D printed unfixed hinges in resin, pine, linseed oil paint, variable dimensions
As above
Bag without index (fka Bag for the future), styrofoam, paint, sand, approx. 140x120x60 cm + theatre spots with daylight filter

As above

As above

Installation view, Broken H: External Hard Disk Drive, 4K video, sound, 192:265, 15:00 min, by Julia Sjölin

© Rebekka Hilmer Heltoft
and the authors, 2024